Can you guess what demographic of people would respond in a survey this way?
• 99 percent are happy with their lives
• 97 percent like who they are
• 96 percent like how they looked*
Do you think it’s the top 1% most wealthy in America? Is it the top 10% most attractive people? Could it be the most religious people? Is it the top quarter of a percent with an IQ over 140?
Does this describe you?
Let me also say this demographic has very few ‘bad habits.’ In a study of 3,000 people in this group, there were NO drug addicts or gamblers, only two alcoholics and a very small number of smokers.**
Who is it? People with Down syndrome.
When I read that, I’s about like that.
Emme, our daughter with Down syndrome, is likely to fall asleep laughing at her own jokes and wake up singing her own little made-up songs.
When Karl had to take her in for some very painful shots – she screamed so loudly you thought they were cutting off her leg. Karl kept telling her “I’m sorry.” As she balled her eyes out, she kept doing the “I forgive you” sign.
At family gatherings while the other kids are running around, she loves to sit next to the person with the guitar and sing along.
The truth is, I often forget she has Down syndrome. Sure, there are few tell-tale signs...
1. She’s 3 ½ years old and has just started walking. Thank you, sweet Jesus!
2. She likes a small range of foods and will only drink coconut juice (SERIOUSLY! Coconut juice?!?)
If you give her something she doesn’t like, she seems to say, “Sure mom...go ahead, shove that in my mouth. You think you’re in control here – but I’ll just spit that right out. You can put it my mouth, but you can’t make me swallow it.”
3. She can’t yet tell us about her day at school, if she has a tummy ache or what her favorite color is. Well, Emme may disagree...she probably is telling us – we just aren’t fluent in “Emme-ese.”
4. Once she catches a regular old cold or sickness of any kind – it can takes weeks and weeks to get over it (and many times only with medication).
However – I have to say...I love everything about her. We love...
• How she liberally dishes out “Bye, Bye, Bye...” if she feels your presence is no longer required.
• How she definitely says “All Done” when she’s had enough of the vegetables I keep trying to feed her.
• How she bows her head and prays before a meal (although we can’t understand – we’re sure she’s saying something pretty good to God)...and ends it with "OK!" (Emme-ese for "Amen")
• How she thinks a wedding is actually a party for her (last weekend at a wedding she walked from table to table, greeting nearly everyone and giving out free hugs)
And getting ready to have Baby Girl #3...I am reminded again that life rarely goes as planned.
We have a 1.25% chance of having another baby with a chromosome abnormality. Before we got pregnant again – we had to ask ourselves if we were ready to receive any kind of child God wants to give us.
I’ve changed my statements from “I want a girl” or “I want a boy” or “I want a healthy baby” to “I want the next gift God wants to give.”
Do we want the next gift God has to give? Do we sometimes mistake the gifts – thinking they are curses?
In many areas of my life...from getting in the wrong check-out lane at the grocery store and the price of working with a difficult person or facing yet another disappointment, I say... “No, God, this is NOT the gift I wanted. Take it back – give me something else. Something different – something better.”
I am learning that His gifts are ALWAYS good. It’s up to me to see the gift, unwrap it, and say, “Thank You.” I say I want joy and grace – but see now the joy and grace come AFTER the “Thank You” - never before.
This Thanksgiving (and really every day), I want to be thankful not just for the seemingly good - but for everything...
Thankful for the shirt I shrunk in the drier, burned toast, and broken dishes. Thankful for medical bills. Thankful for Down syndrome.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 5: 19,20
..Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
** National Association for Down Syndrome
Monday, November 14, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
A Lot of Drama
One thing I love about South Africa is the word drama! The English is just a bit more colorful there...
Fell Pregnant = get pregnant
Fell Pregnant = get pregnant
You don’t “get pregnant” in South Africa – you “fall pregnant.” It sounds like you have unfortunately and mysteriously fallen ill with a bad case of something you have yet to identify that you accidentally caught from someone.
Example: “She keeps falling pregnant.” (Not to be confused with falling while you’re pregnant – which really could hurt. Of course pregnancy can hurt too, or at least the end result, so maybe "falling" IS the fitting description).
Garden = yard
For me, the word “garden” stirs up images of lush flowers, fresh herbs and at the very least, a few straggly tomato plants (maybe a naked man and woman?). In South Africa – a yard, even if you have just a sad patch of grass and weeds, is still a “garden.”
Example: Jensen, “Mom, can I go play in the garden?”
Example: Jensen, “Mom, can I go play in the garden?”
(our "garden")
Sounds like false advertising to me...but sure kid...go play in the garden.
Rubbish = trash
Rubbish, to me, is a strong word for something that has absolutely no use. “That’s rubbish!” (should always be said with a strong English accent). To say you have some “rubbish” to throw away, as they do in South A, makes me think of some serious nastiness that probably needs a hazardous materials waste bin – instead of just some wadded up mail to be thrown away in a plain old trash can. It is MUCH more exciting to say rubbish.
Example: Julie, “Karl, just look at all this rubbish (pile of receipts)! Quick...let’s put it in the rubbish bin!” (I try to use my English accent - but it's not very good and Karl mistakes it for my southern accent - very confusing)
Flu = common cold
If you have the sniffles in South A – they call it the flu. If you’s the flu. If you’s the flu. You probably shouldn’t go to work if you have flu. It’s a lot of drama over what appears to be, for all intents and purposes, what server in America as a plain old head cold.
Example: “I have the flu...cough, cough.” (interpretation – I think I may sneeze with this I’m going to go ahead and clear my schedule and cancel all my meetings for the rest of the week.)
Children = kids
Instead of “kids” or “students”– it’s “the children.” I’ve even heard high school teenagers refer to themselves as “the children.” I usually think of children as 5 year olds – but they could be talking about someone who’s 16 years old.
Example: “Many of the children now are learning how to drive and apply for jobs.” (is it me – or is that a little strange?)
In other words...
In South Africa you would say....
“While the children were in the garden they picked up rubbish, even though some had the flu and had fallen pregnant.”
Or not quite as exciting...
“While the students were in yard they picked up trash, even through some had a cold and were pregnant.”
Monday, October 17, 2011
Oh Baby Baby!
I’m sure you’ve heard...we’re having a baby! Many of you voted on “Boy” or “Girl” and 66% of you said boy.
You were close!
Here is how everyone voted at our “Gender Reveal Cake Parties” (we had the ultrasound lady write the gender in an envelope, took it to a baker and had them put “blue” or “pink” frosting in the cake – we found out with everyone else what we were having when we cut the cake).
Watch the 5 minute video:
Before we had kids Karl said, “You know Julie...we’re going to have 3 girls.”
I thought “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.” However, it looks like my husband who is always right, is right YET AGAIN.
Someone asked recently if I was a little disappointed we are having another girl. No way! We're so excited about girls. Sisters are built-in girlfriends. A slumber party every night!
Its a girl!
When we told Jensen we were going back to Africa to have the baby, said she said, “Uh...Mom...will the baby be black?”
Seriously...not a bad question.
Here’s Jensen's top 10 list of baby names for her sister:
1. Bambi (this is her absolute favorite – she is very insistent we name her sister after a Disney character)
2. Sara (this is a close second after Bambi – ever since her cousin told her Bambi is not a real name this one has been creeping up on her list)
3. Nana (kinda like your grandma)
4. Malea (this has been one of her top names for about a year now – we thought she made it up till someone told us it was a real name)
Note: A friend from Ocean View was pregnant a few months ago and asked Jensen what she should name her baby. Of course Jensen was confident Malea would be the perfect name for her. And I guess it was – she named her baby Malea last August.
5. Sunny (I have to IS cheerful!)
6. Kiki (we did see the other day that Kikka means “mistress of all” - nice!)
7. Namala (a bit African sounding)
8. Isala (I guess she threw this in there just in case we didn’t pick Namala)
9. TikaTock (inspired by her new favorite nursery rhyme "The Mouse Ran Up the Clock”)
10. Sugar Pop (my personal fav)
Maybe we should go with Bambi Nana Isala TikaTock?
What do you think would be a great name? Something to go with Jensen, Emerson...???
You were close!
Here is how everyone voted at our “Gender Reveal Cake Parties” (we had the ultrasound lady write the gender in an envelope, took it to a baker and had them put “blue” or “pink” frosting in the cake – we found out with everyone else what we were having when we cut the cake).
Watch the 5 minute video:
Before we had kids Karl said, “You know Julie...we’re going to have 3 girls.”
I thought “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.” However, it looks like my husband who is always right, is right YET AGAIN.
Someone asked recently if I was a little disappointed we are having another girl. No way! We're so excited about girls. Sisters are built-in girlfriends. A slumber party every night!
Its a girl!
When we told Jensen we were going back to Africa to have the baby, said she said, “Uh...Mom...will the baby be black?”
Seriously...not a bad question.
Here’s Jensen's top 10 list of baby names for her sister:
1. Bambi (this is her absolute favorite – she is very insistent we name her sister after a Disney character)
2. Sara (this is a close second after Bambi – ever since her cousin told her Bambi is not a real name this one has been creeping up on her list)
3. Nana (kinda like your grandma)
4. Malea (this has been one of her top names for about a year now – we thought she made it up till someone told us it was a real name)
Note: A friend from Ocean View was pregnant a few months ago and asked Jensen what she should name her baby. Of course Jensen was confident Malea would be the perfect name for her. And I guess it was – she named her baby Malea last August.
5. Sunny (I have to IS cheerful!)
6. Kiki (we did see the other day that Kikka means “mistress of all” - nice!)
7. Namala (a bit African sounding)
8. Isala (I guess she threw this in there just in case we didn’t pick Namala)
9. TikaTock (inspired by her new favorite nursery rhyme "The Mouse Ran Up the Clock”)
10. Sugar Pop (my personal fav)
Maybe we should go with Bambi Nana Isala TikaTock?
What do you think would be a great name? Something to go with Jensen, Emerson...???
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
5 Ways Africa Has Changed Me
I thought I would be changing Africa...but Africa has changed me. Here are five paradigm shifts in my thinking...
What happened in Africa? I had friends who would often say, “Julie, have you actually prayed about that?”
“Huh!” Some missionary to Africa I am! I usually had to say, “Yeahhhh...not a bad idea. Guess I’ll try that.”
So now...I ask God what He thinks. You know what? He actually tells me! I may not always like it...but nothing compares to God's voice.
#3: My 2%
Some people believe destiny finds you and others believe you find destiny. When people in the “destiny finds you” camp say “If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be” I think “Oh clearly don’t realize your choices can change everything! Make better choices! You can make it happen! Stop dilly dallying around!”
The problem in my case – with the “you find destiny” camp - is that every choice matters, every decision is crucial – and hard work takes the cake.
What I learned in Africa? Both camps are right, but for anything lasting to actually happen –I need to put in my 2% and totally, utterly rely on God for the other 98%.
Jensen's question..."What is this 'bed making' you speak of?"
#1: Success is Obedience
If at all possible, I prefer to avoid’s just a bit too much like failing.
Success just looks better, smells better, feels better.
For some, success is about “big” - the big promotion, the big sale, the big house, the big car. For others it’s about being “right” - being the right weight, from the right school, with the right degree, running with the right friends, your kid on the right team, living in the right neighbourhood, in the right part of town.
In Africa for me – it’s tempting for it to be about numbers – the numbers of lives changed, programs started, jobs landed, babies saved, desperate mothers helped, etc.
My big epiphany? Obedience to God is really my only success. That’s it. Obeying God. Even if it looks like failure, it’s not.
If at all possible, I prefer to avoid’s just a bit too much like failing.
Success just looks better, smells better, feels better.
For some, success is about “big” - the big promotion, the big sale, the big house, the big car. For others it’s about being “right” - being the right weight, from the right school, with the right degree, running with the right friends, your kid on the right team, living in the right neighbourhood, in the right part of town.
My big epiphany? Obedience to God is really my only success. That’s it. Obeying God. Even if it looks like failure, it’s not.
#2 Pray about it
For any upcoming decisions, problems, dilemmas – I usually like to think about it, discuss it, rethink it, ask a few more people, perhaps throw a little worry at it. In general, mull it over.
For any upcoming decisions, problems, dilemmas – I usually like to think about it, discuss it, rethink it, ask a few more people, perhaps throw a little worry at it. In general, mull it over.
What happened in Africa? I had friends who would often say, “Julie, have you actually prayed about that?”
So now...I ask God what He thinks. You know what? He actually tells me! I may not always like it...but nothing compares to God's voice.
#3: My 2%
Some people believe destiny finds you and others believe you find destiny. When people in the “destiny finds you” camp say “If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be” I think “Oh clearly don’t realize your choices can change everything! Make better choices! You can make it happen! Stop dilly dallying around!”
The problem in my case – with the “you find destiny” camp - is that every choice matters, every decision is crucial – and hard work takes the cake.
What I learned in Africa? Both camps are right, but for anything lasting to actually happen –I need to put in my 2% and totally, utterly rely on God for the other 98%.
#4 Never Enable, Always Help
It is a fine, razor thin line between helping and enabling.
My shocking realization? Enabling is doing something for someone they CAN do for themselves. Helping is doing something for someone they CAN’T do for themselves.
Too often I am helping myself right into enablement. My mother is the most amazing helper, non-enabler I have ever known (you would think 37 years of watching Dot Jensen in action would rub off sometime soon).
Since this mind blowing realization – I am rethinking how much I pick up after my tutu-trailing, sequin-spreading 5 year old and spoon feed my I-only-eat-mac-n-cheese-popcorn-and-bananas 3 year old. Not to mention a whole new look at how I give money away, distribute clothing donations, design employment programs and approach micro-enterprise.
It is a fine, razor thin line between helping and enabling.
My shocking realization? Enabling is doing something for someone they CAN do for themselves. Helping is doing something for someone they CAN’T do for themselves.
Too often I am helping myself right into enablement.
Since this mind blowing realization – I am rethinking how much I pick up after my tutu-trailing, sequin-spreading 5 year old and spoon feed my I-only-eat-mac-n-cheese-popcorn-and-bananas 3 year old. Not to mention a whole new look at how I give money away, distribute clothing donations, design employment programs and approach micro-enterprise.
Emme analyzing this morning's attempt to add microscopic amounts of strawberries to breakfast..."I'm prrrrrreeeeetty clear about my feelings on bananas - not sure why my slave force isn't picking up on that."
Jensen's question..."What is this 'bed making' you speak of?"
#5: Everyone needs a prayer team
One of the perks to moving to Africa is people expect you need a lot of prayer. And we do!
We have a “Prayer Circle” of about 20 people who really do pray for us...we’ve sent out the “Prayer Red Alert” for our job skills program, women needing work, little girls who were raped, a boy that was kidnapped, Karl’s back, our bed bugs – you name it. Anything that just wasn’t going to change unless God intervened. It’s surprising how much stuff that is.
The point is – you don’t need to move to Africa to get a prayer team. We all need friends who will really, truly pray for us.
I would encourage you right now to pick 5 people who really like you and would be happy to pray for you. Guess what? People want to know you – the real you. They WILL pray for you.
One of the perks to moving to Africa is people expect you need a lot of prayer. And we do!
We have a “Prayer Circle” of about 20 people who really do pray for us...we’ve sent out the “Prayer Red Alert” for our job skills program, women needing work, little girls who were raped, a boy that was kidnapped, Karl’s back, our bed bugs – you name it. Anything that just wasn’t going to change unless God intervened. It’s surprising how much stuff that is.
The point is – you don’t need to move to Africa to get a prayer team. We all need friends who will really, truly pray for us.
I would encourage you right now to pick 5 people who really like you and would be happy to pray for you. Guess what? People want to know you – the real you. They WILL pray for you.
In fact, we’d love to be the first people on your list. Just email me: I’ll start praying for you today!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Taxi Wars
Have we mentioned the taxi drivers here are a little passionate about their work?
If you’re picturing a nice, spacious New York city yellow cab – adjust that visual to slightly more of a mini-bus...van’ish thing– that holds about 15-18 people.
Apparently it’s an extremely competitive market. The taxis have been known to bomb other taxis for being on their “turf” and start open shooting at full taxi’s with people in them. I gather they are a bit annoyed when you don’t ride in their taxi.
Although quick tempered and impatient, with a slight tendency toward terrorism, they do appear to be quite resourceful.
On occasion they will make space for extra people by putting a crate in the middle part between the driver’s seat and the front passenger seat...and they’ve even been known to pull out the steering wheel and drive WITH A WRENCH in place in order to squeeze in one more passenger.
The government frowns upon this sort of ingenuity.
The Taxi Bosses (that’s really what they’re called) also don’t like to have their taxi impounded for being a teensy bit unsafe. They responded last month by burning tires in the street to protest the unfairness of the government to require that their vehicle be “road worthy” (similar to a car inspection in the US to prove your vehicle is safe to drive). I guess the police prefer that when you drive a dozen people around – you do so with a properly installed steering wheel instead of a rusty ole wrench. Picky, picky, picky.
The whole thing is a bad combination of the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine meets the Sopranos.
If you’re picturing a nice, spacious New York city yellow cab – adjust that visual to slightly more of a mini-bus...van’ish thing– that holds about 15-18 people.
Apparently it’s an extremely competitive market. The taxis have been known to bomb other taxis for being on their “turf” and start open shooting at full taxi’s with people in them. I gather they are a bit annoyed when you don’t ride in their taxi.
Although quick tempered and impatient, with a slight tendency toward terrorism, they do appear to be quite resourceful.
On occasion they will make space for extra people by putting a crate in the middle part between the driver’s seat and the front passenger seat...and they’ve even been known to pull out the steering wheel and drive WITH A WRENCH in place in order to squeeze in one more passenger.
The government frowns upon this sort of ingenuity.
The Taxi Bosses (that’s really what they’re called) also don’t like to have their taxi impounded for being a teensy bit unsafe. They responded last month by burning tires in the street to protest the unfairness of the government to require that their vehicle be “road worthy” (similar to a car inspection in the US to prove your vehicle is safe to drive). I guess the police prefer that when you drive a dozen people around – you do so with a properly installed steering wheel instead of a rusty ole wrench. Picky, picky, picky.
The whole thing is a bad combination of the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine meets the Sopranos.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
It’s Complicated
Ahhh...being a woman. Men often say they don’t understand us – but the truth is we rarely understand ourselves. It’s complicated being us. Very complicated.
I’ll actually say to my husband, “You know me better than I know myself – what’s WRONG with me?” Most of the time he can tell me.
We are always thinking...always calculating...then rethinking and recalculating.
When we’re not talking (IF we’re not talking)’s because we are thinking, thinking, THINKING. Don’t mistake that blank stare for a serene mind of nothingness (a skill many men posses – I’ve heard they can actually do this – sit there and think about NOTHING!).
You might be impressed we’re multi-tasking by making dinner and talking enthusiastically to one of our kids about their latest school project and checking Facebook simultaneously – but you have NO idea. We are really taking multi-tasking to whole new level by thinking...
• Are my kids eating enough vegetables? The answer to this is always NO. Bust out some more frozen broccoli. Quick!
• Am I paying enough attention to my kids? NO! Is it even possible to pay too much attention to your kids? I’ve never heard of that!
• Did I permanently damage my child beyond the point that any amount of therapy can fix when I did that? Most likely! How much is that going to cost me in 10 years?
• Did I forget to get that at the store? Yes!
• Did my HUSBAND forget to get that at the store? Yes! Yes!
• When can I go get that at the store? Who knows? My schedule is too full already!
• Do my friends actually forget ME or does it just seem that way? (Quietly) I hope it just seems that way.
• Did she take it the wrong way when I said blah blah blah? Lord, please let that not be the case!
• Did everything seem OK last time I saw her – or was she acting “funny?” I really hope she’s OK and I imagined the “funny.” Yes...I MUST have imagined the “funny.”
• Should I ask her? How the heck do I do that?
• Do we have any money? No!
• How can we get more money? Not sure!
• Should I take that back to the store to get some money? Probably!

• Should I get a different job? Can’t think about that – quick think about something else!
• Should I cut back? Yes! But I already cut back everything!
• Can I possibly take on more? Not really!
• Can I squeeze in ONE SECOND to exercise today? No!
• Can I make up for not exercising by eating another pound of vegetables? Yes! Of course! I think I read that somewhere.
• Should I have said (here is a review of about a million things we should have said)? Yes to about 17 things on the list of 100 possibilities.
• Am I dying of a strange disease? Probably!
• How do I feel about Bin Laden? Can you actually get Princess Kate’s dress at Nordstrom’s? Will this economy ever recover? Will the price of gas ever go down? Who knows!’s true. We are actually thinking ALL of these things in the 10 minutes it takes to boil some noodles.
I must say...if it seems like a lot- it’s because IT IS A LOT.
I thought things would be different in Africa – but let me just put your mind at rest. It’s not. If you’ve ever thought, “Maybe I should run off to Africa like Julie- then I wouldn’t have to worry about this...” rest assured that I am probably thinking at the same time, “Maybe I should run back to America, then I wouldn’t have to worry about this...”
I recently had some issues with girl friends. Imagine. I was asking myself about 100 times a day (instead of the usual 5-10), “ Did everything seem OK last time I saw her – or was she acting “funny?”
Although I was REALLY hoping she was OK and that I just imagined the “funny,” I was not imagining it.
Turns out...I disappointed her (one of my top MOST UNFAVORITE things to do is disappoint someone). I hurt her without realizing it. I miscalculated a few things. Said the wrong thing...did the wrong thing...thought the wrong thing.
So we had to talk about it.
As in telling each other what was bothering us. Actually saying it out loud.
I’ve discovered, if it’s a little thing that bothers you – it’s tough to share. You don’t want to bring it up – after all – it’s just a little thing. If it’s a big thing that bothers you, that’s worse. To share a big thing – something that hurts you to your core and shakes your very depths – you have to become very vulnerable. You give people the ability to look deep down inside you and see you at your most vulnerable, naked state – and it’s entirely possible they could dismiss, misunderstand or worst of all - reject you.
So we talked and talked and talked some more. I saw her side, she saw mine. Just a little at first and then some more.
I told my friend – once we had thoroughly gone over all the details and apologized where necessary...“Listen, I have misunderstandings with my friends back home who come from my country, my very same Nebraskan culture...that are the same colour, speak the same language, come from the same religious background and have the same economic resources as me. I AM going to disappoint you. I disappoint them. I will do it again. We HAVE to talk about it. Every time. Every single time.”
So after we got to the bottom or our INDIVIDUAL issues – we then had to get to the bottom of some other issues in our GROUP. So not just 2 women having a real discussion – but now 5 women! Have you ever done this? Is this something you can imagine doing?
We read the verse together... "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, "leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt. 5:23-24).
Then we had to ALL hear each other. Really hear each other. We were defensive, we raised voices, we cried, we agreed, we disagreed, we apologized. We were real. This is life.
I’ve learned if you haven’t had to have a hard conversation with someone, it’s only because you haven’t known them long enough or spent enough time together. Period.
So that said...let me encourage you. Go ahead and ask your friend - ask if everything is alright between you. Admit to being jealous and angry and hurt and disappointed and frustrated. Listen. Understand. Listen again. Apologize.
And then afterwards –get some nachos together. Talk about Jesus and his overwhelmingly shocking goodness. We did. Everything looks a little brighter with a plate of cheesy goodness in front of you. Even if you are nowhere near a Nordstrom’s, are tired of hearing about Bin Laden and just spent too much in gas to get there - order the extra guacamole and sour cream.
BONUS: You can cross two questions off your list: “Is she acting funny?” and “Am I eating enough vegetables?” (Guacamole counts as at least three veggies)
I’ll actually say to my husband, “You know me better than I know myself – what’s WRONG with me?” Most of the time he can tell me.
We are always thinking...always calculating...then rethinking and recalculating.
When we’re not talking (IF we’re not talking)’s because we are thinking, thinking, THINKING. Don’t mistake that blank stare for a serene mind of nothingness (a skill many men posses – I’ve heard they can actually do this – sit there and think about NOTHING!).
You might be impressed we’re multi-tasking by making dinner and talking enthusiastically to one of our kids about their latest school project and checking Facebook simultaneously – but you have NO idea. We are really taking multi-tasking to whole new level by thinking...
• Are my kids eating enough vegetables? The answer to this is always NO. Bust out some more frozen broccoli. Quick!
• Am I paying enough attention to my kids? NO! Is it even possible to pay too much attention to your kids? I’ve never heard of that!
• Did I permanently damage my child beyond the point that any amount of therapy can fix when I did that? Most likely! How much is that going to cost me in 10 years?
• Did I forget to get that at the store? Yes!
• Did my HUSBAND forget to get that at the store? Yes! Yes!
• When can I go get that at the store? Who knows? My schedule is too full already!
• Do my friends actually forget ME or does it just seem that way? (Quietly) I hope it just seems that way.
• Did she take it the wrong way when I said blah blah blah? Lord, please let that not be the case!
• Did everything seem OK last time I saw her – or was she acting “funny?” I really hope she’s OK and I imagined the “funny.” Yes...I MUST have imagined the “funny.”
• Should I ask her? How the heck do I do that?
• Do we have any money? No!
• How can we get more money? Not sure!
• Should I take that back to the store to get some money? Probably!

• Should I get a different job? Can’t think about that – quick think about something else!
• Should I cut back? Yes! But I already cut back everything!
• Can I possibly take on more? Not really!
• Can I squeeze in ONE SECOND to exercise today? No!
• Can I make up for not exercising by eating another pound of vegetables? Yes! Of course! I think I read that somewhere.
• Should I have said (here is a review of about a million things we should have said)? Yes to about 17 things on the list of 100 possibilities.
• Am I dying of a strange disease? Probably!
• How do I feel about Bin Laden? Can you actually get Princess Kate’s dress at Nordstrom’s? Will this economy ever recover? Will the price of gas ever go down? Who knows!’s true. We are actually thinking ALL of these things in the 10 minutes it takes to boil some noodles.
I must say...if it seems like a lot- it’s because IT IS A LOT.
I thought things would be different in Africa – but let me just put your mind at rest. It’s not. If you’ve ever thought, “Maybe I should run off to Africa like Julie- then I wouldn’t have to worry about this...” rest assured that I am probably thinking at the same time, “Maybe I should run back to America, then I wouldn’t have to worry about this...”
I recently had some issues with girl friends. Imagine. I was asking myself about 100 times a day (instead of the usual 5-10), “ Did everything seem OK last time I saw her – or was she acting “funny?”
Although I was REALLY hoping she was OK and that I just imagined the “funny,” I was not imagining it.
Turns out...I disappointed her (one of my top MOST UNFAVORITE things to do is disappoint someone). I hurt her without realizing it. I miscalculated a few things. Said the wrong thing...did the wrong thing...thought the wrong thing.
So we had to talk about it.
As in telling each other what was bothering us. Actually saying it out loud.
I’ve discovered, if it’s a little thing that bothers you – it’s tough to share. You don’t want to bring it up – after all – it’s just a little thing. If it’s a big thing that bothers you, that’s worse. To share a big thing – something that hurts you to your core and shakes your very depths – you have to become very vulnerable. You give people the ability to look deep down inside you and see you at your most vulnerable, naked state – and it’s entirely possible they could dismiss, misunderstand or worst of all - reject you.
So we talked and talked and talked some more. I saw her side, she saw mine. Just a little at first and then some more.
I told my friend – once we had thoroughly gone over all the details and apologized where necessary...“Listen, I have misunderstandings with my friends back home who come from my country, my very same Nebraskan culture...that are the same colour, speak the same language, come from the same religious background and have the same economic resources as me. I AM going to disappoint you. I disappoint them. I will do it again. We HAVE to talk about it. Every time. Every single time.”
So after we got to the bottom or our INDIVIDUAL issues – we then had to get to the bottom of some other issues in our GROUP. So not just 2 women having a real discussion – but now 5 women! Have you ever done this? Is this something you can imagine doing?
We read the verse together... "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, "leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt. 5:23-24).
Then we had to ALL hear each other. Really hear each other. We were defensive, we raised voices, we cried, we agreed, we disagreed, we apologized. We were real. This is life.
I’ve learned if you haven’t had to have a hard conversation with someone, it’s only because you haven’t known them long enough or spent enough time together. Period.
So that said...let me encourage you. Go ahead and ask your friend - ask if everything is alright between you. Admit to being jealous and angry and hurt and disappointed and frustrated. Listen. Understand. Listen again. Apologize.
And then afterwards –get some nachos together. Talk about Jesus and his overwhelmingly shocking goodness. We did. Everything looks a little brighter with a plate of cheesy goodness in front of you. Even if you are nowhere near a Nordstrom’s, are tired of hearing about Bin Laden and just spent too much in gas to get there - order the extra guacamole and sour cream.
BONUS: You can cross two questions off your list: “Is she acting funny?” and “Am I eating enough vegetables?” (Guacamole counts as at least three veggies)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Five Words from Jensen’s World
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Jensen is turning into a little South African.
Sweetie = Candy
Although this seems like a term for endearment, it’s actually what Jensen now calls “candy.”
Example: “Mama, can I have a sweetie?” (I have to remind myself she’s not asking for a boyfriend)
“But mommmmmm…I’m not tall enough. I’m only 4!”
Jensen now consistently uses the word “Hey” where we Nebraskans would generally use “Huh.” She always catches me off guard with this one.
Plastics = Band-Aid
Sweetie = Candy
Although this seems like a term for endearment, it’s actually what Jensen now calls “candy.”
Example: “Mama, can I have a sweetie?” (I have to remind myself she’s not asking for a boyfriend)
Biscuit = Cookie
A biscuit really should only be coupled with gravy or given to a dog, but Jensen now uses this word for “cookie”
Example: “Mom, I’d really like a chocolate biscuit.” (Do you see how wrong this feels? Is a biscuit ever chocolate?)
Fetch = Go Get
Again, I feel this word should be reserved for dogs – but here it’s used when something should be retrieved by humans.
“Mom, can you fetch my jacket and slippers – I’m cold?”
“No, Jensen, you can fetch it yourself.”“But mommmmmm…I’m not tall enough. I’m only 4!”
Hey = Huh
Jensen now consistently uses the word “Hey” where we Nebraskans would generally use “Huh.” She always catches me off guard with this one.
Example: “Whatcha ya doing, hey?” (I feel a bit like we’ve turned into horses)
Plastics = Band-Aid
I guess there is plastic involved with Band-Aids – but using this logic, shouldn’t all things constructed with plastic be called “plastics?” For instance…toothbrushes, cups, plastic silverware…Can you imagine? It would go something like this, “Go brush your teeth with your plastics and take a drink from your plastics and don’t forget to eat with your plastics?” Something is not right.
Example: “Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! I need a plastic! I’ve cut off my right toe!”

P.S. I won't go into how she asked me for a "rubber" this morning (yes, that would be an "eraser").
Thursday, March 17, 2011
High Tea and High Hopes
The “Baby Safe Girls” celebrate the small and big victories of 2010 – with a dress-up High Tea event
During tea, we looked back over 2010 and were amazed that the Lord brought hope – even in the midst of seemingly impossible obstacles.
In 2010, approximately 500 babies were dumped in Cape Town alone. A result of poverty, abuse, HIV/AIDS, hopelessness and desperation, the challenge seemed overwhelming.
And yet through Baby Safe, 50+ babies were NOT dumped. 78+ mothers chose life; they made a plan and sought help instead of a rubbish heap. 27+ women and children walked a road of rescue or restoration, to prevent these circumstances from even happening. 238 lives were touched, changed, challenged. Now in 2011, we look ahead with expectation that the LORD will do even more!
The Stats of 2010…
- 238 women and children were helped by Baby Safe
- 107 women were counseled before their Termination of Pregnancy at the local hospital (of these women, 20 of them changed their minds and made a choice for life-over 1/5th!-and possibly more that went unknown)
Note: In the US, 1 out of every 5 babies are aborted. Yes! That is actually true. We are excited that here on the continent best known for high abortion rates, 1 out of 5 babies intended for abortion (at the hospital where we offer counseling) was saved.
- 58 women, who made a choice to parent, were met on an individual level by our Baby Safe team
- 38 babies were born
- 7 babies were successfully placed in loving homes through adoption
- 8 children were put in a place of safety in our network of safety families, 4 of whom were placed long term while the other 4 were able to be reunited with their family.
- 27 women and children experienced intervention or preventing for either difficult or even life-threatening situations, many going through the process of discipleship
- 1 baby successfully in our local baby safe, as 1 brave woman chose to give her child a future rather than dumping it!
These women and children came to us from every background, circumstance, race and region.
We worked with countless from our local communities of Masiphumelele, Ocean View, and Fish Hoek, as well as surrounding areas like Muizenberg or even Khayelitsha. They were black, white and colored, Xhosa, Afrikaanse, Zulu, Zimbabwean, Malawian, and more. Each one different. Each one desperate.
Yet the LORD sees each of them and calls them by name. He called them to life and not death, to hope and to healing. He looks upon them and sees his children, forsaken royalty, calling them to a greater destiny.
“The nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory; and you will be called by a new name which the mouth of the LORD will designate. You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. It will no longer be said to you, “Forsaken,” nor to your land will it any longer be said, “Desolate”; but you will be called, “My delight is in her,” and your land, “Married”; for the LORD delights in you.” -Isaiah 62:2-4.
Note: Information adapted from Danielle Kittinger’s Baby Safe blog post.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cup of Cold Water
Oh my! We know times are tough in America and gas prices have skyrocketed.
To commiserate with America’s Ridiculous Price of Gas Pain – the price of gas here is $6 a gallon. Since we typically buy gas in liters and rand (the currency here)…it took us a while to calculate fully HOW BAD IT IS. Our mouths fell open when we did the math last week and realized it’s $6 a gallon. Painful!
Shortly after I came to this realization...I kept a diary of my driving schedule. Let's just say - it's the LAST day I'll do that!
The Diesel Diaries - A day in the life of the Ostrand diesel truck (we decided to buy a 10 year old truck to transport soccer equipment and mass amounts of people who live in the townships).
Destination #1. 7:30 am - Go to Ocean View to pick up the women for the Sisterhood of Success class (NONE of them have cars and many cannot afford the 75 cents for a taxi to class)
SHOULDA BROUGHT MY HEELS: Today my crew of women is running a bit late (God bless Danielle who picked up the "on-time crew" and took them to class). The first two women stroll up (they are so tiny they look more like teenage girls). They still need to take one of their kids to creche (the word for preschool here), so I drive over to the creche to drop off the child.
Discussion going on in the truck at this moment? The fact that we are missing Beth, one of the other students. Beth told them she was sick…but they are concerned that she lied about being sick and that her abusive boyfriend is holding her captive in her flat (an apartment complex like “the projects” in the States). A gangster and drug addict, he doesn’t want Beth taking the Sisterhood of Success class – he’s terrified she’ll realize she can become successful without him…a REAL-LIFE “sister of success,” if you will.
They convince me to weave the truck around the back alleys of the flats and talk her into going to class today. I don’t usually roam around the flats – overrun with gangsters and drug addicts – but I tell them if the three of us go together, we can do it.
Note: Regret #45: Giving up high heels in Africa – those spikes could have come in handy today, coupled with a Fancy Nancy Karate Kid Kick to the kisser.
Trooping up the deteriorating stairs, we quickly knock on the door and she answers immediately…fully dressed and ready to go. Apparently her 4 year old ran out of the house when they started fighting, afraid her dad would beat her mom again.
Now we’re off to find the 4 year old girl! Somewhere! We track her down at a neighbor’s house and take her to crèche.
ON OUR WAY TO LIVING WAY CAMPUS (where we hold the Sisterhood class): I ask the girls…"What is your happiest childhood memory?"

Destination #2. 8 am - Go to Living Way to drop off the women for class – I hop out of the truck and run through my morning Sisterhood routine: make sure there is enough food for snacks and lunch, collect money the students have earned to pay for the class, update the “contest board” (whichever team of women can pay off their $30 for the class first – wins a lunch out with Alli and me), answer questions, confirm the schedule. It’s a bit “hectic” (as they say here).
Destination #3. 8:30 am – Jump back in the truck at lightning speed and go home to pick up Jensen for school (we only have one vehicle that can take our kids). Karl has given her breakfast and packed her pink princess backpack with the required items for preschool in Africa: snack (she’ll only eat bread and butter – you’d think she spent her first 4 years in prison) and her “cozi” (aka swimming suit – daily swimming at school – why not?)
Destination #4. 8:45 am - Go to preschool (drop off Jensen – she is met by a posse of happy friends to see her)
Destination #5. 9 am - Go back home (try to remember to grab everything else I may need for the day
Destination #6. 9:15 am - Go to Living Way again (pick up Alli – my fabulous partner in crime – her car is in the shop)
Destination #7. 9:30 am- Go to All Nations for presentation on what Baby Safe does and how Sisterhood for Success if making a difference. Meet Elmien for the first time – the newest member of the Baby Safe team - and ask her if she can help us with class today. Amazingly she agrees!
We determine that of the 15 women attending the class - 10 are employment-ready and 5 are micro-enterprise-ready – which means the 5 will go on to “Sisterhood of Dreams” – a pre-entrepreneurial course. The others will start a genuine search for employment. We’ll help them with weekly support groups, accountability and internet training so they can search for jobs online. We also want to find out which women want to continue with the Bible studies after the course is over. Most of them want to! Exciting!
Destination #11. 12:30 pm - Go back to preschool (Pick up Jensen – she looks happy and exhausted – about like me at this point)
Destination #12. 12:45 pm - Go home (have some family time over lunch – crackers, cheese, turkey – with baby marrow dipped in hummus. Yum!)
Destination #13. 1:45 pm - Go back to Living Way (for the 4th time today) to finish up individual evals
ON THE WAY THERE PICK UP MAN ON THE STREET: See Shane at the robot (aka “stop light”) on my way and give him a ride in the back of the truck (he’s a man with a bad limp who begs on the street that Karl and I have befriended - we're praying for a job for him). Drop Shane off at a taxi stand and return to Living Way.
FORGIVE OR FIGHT: During our individual sessions, a heated argument breaks out with the women back in the classroom. Ironically enough, this happens during the “forgiveness” section of the lesson. We ignore it and let Elmien, who is handling the group discussion, take care of it. Baptism by fire…she does a great job and somehow manages to calm the class down and work out the fight. Drama, drama, drama!
Finish up the evals with barely enough time to get the women back into Ocean View before the cresche closes early on a Friday. EVERYTHING seems to close early in South Africa - but especially on a Friday. 3 pm? Really? For closing a creche for working moms? What I wouldn't give for ONE 24 hour Wal-mart!
Destination #14. 2:55 pm- Go back to Ocean View (3rd time today) - we’re down a car for transport so the 9 of us pile into the front seat, back seat and bed of the truck.
Destination #16. 3:45 pm - Go to Alli’s house (drop her off – this day has bedraggled us both!)
Destination #17. 4 pm - Go to the store (need chips for tonight – everything is much better with corn tortilla chips, isn’t it? Somehow a little Mexican goes a long way)
Destination #18. 4:30 pm - Go home (sit down for a half hour and discuss the day with Karl)
Destination #19. 5:00 pm - WALK to pick up Jensen from her play date in our neighborhood. Congratulate myself for zero gas mileage used for Destination #19.
Destination #20. 6:00 – Walk home with Jensen and make dinner for the family (pan sauté a flaky fish here called hake, and serve with broccoli and baked potatoes - Emme eats some fish!)
Destination #21. 7:00 pm - Meehan picks me up for our girls night (Thanks, Meehan! I don’t think I have the energy to drive ONE more block or the will to spend one ONE rand on gas).
I’m tempted to complain about the driving and Alli says, “You know Julie – there’s that verse about giving a cup of cold water– maybe giving a ride is the same thing?”
Maybe it is…I’m holding out for THAT! If so, I gave out about 20 cups of cold water today.
Note: Names of Ocean View community members changed.
On days like this Karl takes the bike to his meetings and soccer events so I can have the truck. Here are some photos of him transporting soccer players after practice a few days later. He has SERIOUSLY fit 27 kids in that truck!
Thank you again to all who gave towards our vehicle last fall! You've been giving out quite a few cups of cold water yourself. We are grateful and the people of Africa seem to think it's their truck. Looks like they're right!
To commiserate with America’s Ridiculous Price of Gas Pain – the price of gas here is $6 a gallon. Since we typically buy gas in liters and rand (the currency here)…it took us a while to calculate fully HOW BAD IT IS. Our mouths fell open when we did the math last week and realized it’s $6 a gallon. Painful!
Shortly after I came to this realization...I kept a diary of my driving schedule. Let's just say - it's the LAST day I'll do that!
The Diesel Diaries - A day in the life of the Ostrand diesel truck (we decided to buy a 10 year old truck to transport soccer equipment and mass amounts of people who live in the townships).
Keep in mind this is from the girl that REFUSED to drive in Africa for the first 6 months I was here
Destination #1. 7:30 am - Go to Ocean View to pick up the women for the Sisterhood of Success class (NONE of them have cars and many cannot afford the 75 cents for a taxi to class)
SHOULDA BROUGHT MY HEELS: Today my crew of women is running a bit late (God bless Danielle who picked up the "on-time crew" and took them to class). The first two women stroll up (they are so tiny they look more like teenage girls). They still need to take one of their kids to creche (the word for preschool here), so I drive over to the creche to drop off the child.
Discussion going on in the truck at this moment? The fact that we are missing Beth, one of the other students. Beth told them she was sick…but they are concerned that she lied about being sick and that her abusive boyfriend is holding her captive in her flat (an apartment complex like “the projects” in the States). A gangster and drug addict, he doesn’t want Beth taking the Sisterhood of Success class – he’s terrified she’ll realize she can become successful without him…a REAL-LIFE “sister of success,” if you will.
They convince me to weave the truck around the back alleys of the flats and talk her into going to class today. I don’t usually roam around the flats – overrun with gangsters and drug addicts – but I tell them if the three of us go together, we can do it.
Note: Regret #45: Giving up high heels in Africa – those spikes could have come in handy today, coupled with a Fancy Nancy Karate Kid Kick to the kisser.
Trooping up the deteriorating stairs, we quickly knock on the door and she answers immediately…fully dressed and ready to go. Apparently her 4 year old ran out of the house when they started fighting, afraid her dad would beat her mom again.
Now we’re off to find the 4 year old girl! Somewhere! We track her down at a neighbor’s house and take her to crèche.
ON OUR WAY TO LIVING WAY CAMPUS (where we hold the Sisterhood class): I ask the girls…"What is your happiest childhood memory?"

- Mia says, “I remember being in school and going on field trips to museums. That was fun. I didn’t know then how hard life could be.”
- Lisa says, “I remember walking with my sister hand in hand on Christmas morning – through our neighborhood to my grandmother’s house. That was a nice memory.”
- Beth says, “I don’t have any happy memories.” Choking up… “but I know Jesus can change my life.”
- I say (still driving), “Beth…Jesus was there with you when you were a child – all those times you cried…He cried with you. He was there. He loves you.”
Destination #2. 8 am - Go to Living Way to drop off the women for class – I hop out of the truck and run through my morning Sisterhood routine: make sure there is enough food for snacks and lunch, collect money the students have earned to pay for the class, update the “contest board” (whichever team of women can pay off their $30 for the class first – wins a lunch out with Alli and me), answer questions, confirm the schedule. It’s a bit “hectic” (as they say here).
Destination #3. 8:30 am – Jump back in the truck at lightning speed and go home to pick up Jensen for school (we only have one vehicle that can take our kids). Karl has given her breakfast and packed her pink princess backpack with the required items for preschool in Africa: snack (she’ll only eat bread and butter – you’d think she spent her first 4 years in prison) and her “cozi” (aka swimming suit – daily swimming at school – why not?)
Destination #4. 8:45 am - Go to preschool (drop off Jensen – she is met by a posse of happy friends to see her)
Destination #5. 9 am - Go back home (try to remember to grab everything else I may need for the day
Destination #6. 9:15 am - Go to Living Way again (pick up Alli – my fabulous partner in crime – her car is in the shop)
Destination #7. 9:30 am- Go to All Nations for presentation on what Baby Safe does and how Sisterhood for Success if making a difference. Meet Elmien for the first time – the newest member of the Baby Safe team - and ask her if she can help us with class today. Amazingly she agrees!
Destination #8. 10:45 am - Go back to Living Way with Elmien and Alli (for the third time today) and find out Elaine, one of the students, just received a phone call that her mom is very sick and she needs to be rushed to Ocean View to take her mom to the hospital.
Destination #9. 11 am - Go back to Ocean View (for the second time today)
Destination #9. 11 am - Go back to Ocean View (for the second time today)
- Drop off Elaine at her house
- Go to Ocean View library (post dance class flyer for 10 year old girls to attend a new dance class)
- Go to an Ocean View crèche (one of the crèche directors called very upset that the some of the Sisterhood children have been coming to creche on days we didn’t pay for/make payment for Sisterhood childcare)
We determine that of the 15 women attending the class - 10 are employment-ready and 5 are micro-enterprise-ready – which means the 5 will go on to “Sisterhood of Dreams” – a pre-entrepreneurial course. The others will start a genuine search for employment. We’ll help them with weekly support groups, accountability and internet training so they can search for jobs online. We also want to find out which women want to continue with the Bible studies after the course is over. Most of them want to! Exciting!
Individual Evaluations with Alli, Richard and me
Destination #12. 12:45 pm - Go home (have some family time over lunch – crackers, cheese, turkey – with baby marrow dipped in hummus. Yum!)
Destination #13. 1:45 pm - Go back to Living Way (for the 4th time today) to finish up individual evals
ON THE WAY THERE PICK UP MAN ON THE STREET: See Shane at the robot (aka “stop light”) on my way and give him a ride in the back of the truck (he’s a man with a bad limp who begs on the street that Karl and I have befriended - we're praying for a job for him). Drop Shane off at a taxi stand and return to Living Way.
Meet Shane
ONCE THERE, WE CONTINUE WITH THE EVALS: We pull each woman out of class one-by-one and spend about 10 minutes with them individually.
For some of these women, this is the most positive feedback they have ever received in one sitting – many in their lifetime. They beam as we tell them how proud we are of their efforts.
For some of these women, this is the most positive feedback they have ever received in one sitting – many in their lifetime. They beam as we tell them how proud we are of their efforts.
Finish up the evals with barely enough time to get the women back into Ocean View before the cresche closes early on a Friday. EVERYTHING seems to close early in South Africa - but especially on a Friday. 3 pm? Really? For closing a creche for working moms? What I wouldn't give for ONE 24 hour Wal-mart!
Destination #14. 2:55 pm- Go back to Ocean View (3rd time today) - we’re down a car for transport so the 9 of us pile into the front seat, back seat and bed of the truck.
- 3:02 pm - Drop Zimbini off at the Ocean View wholesale shop to buy baggies for her brownies (she is fundraising for the course by selling brownies – but needs the little bags to put them in)
- 3:08 pm - Drop off some women at Ocean View creche #1
- 3:12 pm - Drop off other women at Ocean View creche #2
- 3:15 pm -Arrange for some of the women to stay at another location (abusive boyfriends and family members make their current home situation unsafe)
- 3:20 pm - Pick up Zimbini from wholesaler to give her a ride home
- Do you feel like this is too much information about my gas mileage? It probably is...bear with me!
Destination #15. 3:30 pm - Go to Masiphumelele, the “black township” - I would normally drop Zimbini off at the entrance of Masi, as I’m running late to get back home. However, her hip started hurting her this morning, so I maneuver through Masi alleys and drop her off at her house. I've been to her house 3 times - but I still can't rember how to get there! I think she must be seriously questioning my geography skills. In fact, she says as much - in a Xhosa sort of way. Gotta love Zimbini!
Destination #16. 3:45 pm - Go to Alli’s house (drop her off – this day has bedraggled us both!)
Destination #17. 4 pm - Go to the store (need chips for tonight – everything is much better with corn tortilla chips, isn’t it? Somehow a little Mexican goes a long way)
Destination #18. 4:30 pm - Go home (sit down for a half hour and discuss the day with Karl)
Destination #19. 5:00 pm - WALK to pick up Jensen from her play date in our neighborhood. Congratulate myself for zero gas mileage used for Destination #19.
Destination #20. 6:00 – Walk home with Jensen and make dinner for the family (pan sauté a flaky fish here called hake, and serve with broccoli and baked potatoes - Emme eats some fish!)
Destination #21. 7:00 pm - Meehan picks me up for our girls night (Thanks, Meehan! I don’t think I have the energy to drive ONE more block or the will to spend one ONE rand on gas).
I’m tempted to complain about the driving and Alli says, “You know Julie – there’s that verse about giving a cup of cold water– maybe giving a ride is the same thing?”
Maybe it is…I’m holding out for THAT! If so, I gave out about 20 cups of cold water today.
Note: Names of Ocean View community members changed.
On days like this Karl takes the bike to his meetings and soccer events so I can have the truck. Here are some photos of him transporting soccer players after practice a few days later. He has SERIOUSLY fit 27 kids in that truck!
Thank you again to all who gave towards our vehicle last fall! You've been giving out quite a few cups of cold water yourself. We are grateful and the people of Africa seem to think it's their truck. Looks like they're right!
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