Friday, January 22, 2010

As we move to Africa in 4 days, I’m excited...

To let our daughters experience growing up in another culture – they’ll realize that the world is bigger than Mama’s love of Gap matchy-matchy , Kraft macaroni and cheese (although I would argue that this heavenly delight of powdered, processed cheese should be revered by all cultures in all circumstances) , and soup in a can (it comes in a bag?)

To be obedient to what the Lord has called has called us to do – obedient to a call we have felt for 10 years now.

To live in community - sure it’s crazy to think about living in a house with 3-4 other families we haven’t met on a continent I’ve never been to – but more importantly I wonder how long it will it take them to notice …

· I am a chronic sentence-finisher (it’s unfortunate that I really do think you will feel more understood if I never let you finish a single thought independently)

· I like the temperature to be around 92 degrees (I use a floor heater even on the hottest of summer days)

· I spend the entire movie guessing potential plot-lines out loud (it’s amazing I have any friends at all)

To not be in the majority – half of our CPX training class will be made up of Africans (the other half is composed of people from all over the world) and only 9% South Africa's population is white.

To simplify – down to 2% of our former possessions – it’s good to de-clutter every aspect of our life. I can actually find something because I now know it exists (how many times have I purchased something, only to realize I already owned three?).

To embrace joy - when Karl visited Cap Town last summer, he was most struck by the joy of the African Christians. Just plain old joy. I want to embrace joy...instead of my annoyance in traffic, my rush to get there, my need to “check it off my list,” my gnawing feeling that that there is always too much to do with no time to do it. We have only one life. I want that life to be joyful.


  1. So excited for you all! Will continue to hold you up in prayer as you transition. Watch out, South Africa, here comes Julie!

  2. So excited for you guys. Thanks so much for your blog....I'll be lifting you to our Father, Julie!

  3. Yay!!! I'm so excited for you. This is a whole new chapter in your life. Very freeing!!!! I know I should have garnered a deeper meaning from it all but this has really made me crave Kraft Mac and Cheese! I've got a fever for the flavor! Yummy! Cannot wait to hear about Africa! Yay!!!!

  4. I am actually leaving a I said I would! I have only one explanation as to why our paths have crossed...a God-thing. We are such opposites! I love your make me laugh hysterically...and that's not easy to do! I love being able to follow you to South Africa. Please know that I will be continually bringing you and your family before Father.


  5. Hej Julie,
    You are so cool! I enjoy reading your blog so much, didn't know you are so hilarious (and so serious and deep).Meaning,o well,you know.
    I love your attitude for Jensen and Emme, they are lucky daughters.
    I will call grandma Joan often and make sure she is not sobbing all the time.
    Keep writing, will follow you and pray for you,
    Bon voyage,
    Love from St.Louis

  6. I would like to ask, how you think it is fair to make (not ask) your children to grow up with a general "without", when you in fact have been spoiled your whole life and have no idea what it is to go "without"? You are forcing them into a life, you yourself did not have to live. Not fair. If you want to save the world perhaps you should do it by yourselves, and leave your children out of it, or better yet, decided to do it before you had children. You're children have no idea what they are asking them to bare, and they are too young to accept.

    I really hope you didn't take the failure of Quanta Basics to be a "sign" you should do this, because that place was doomed from the start. It only lasted so long, because you made others bare the burden you didn't have to.

    Poor little girls, I cry for them and pray for their safe return to our country where they belong.
