Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are we crazy?

So what does it mean to leave a great job, amazing friends, an irreplaceable family - to move to South Africa? Perhaps it means that we're out of our minds?

That being a really is tough.

Travel is great - who doesn't love travel? But uprooting your life is an entirely different thing. To rip your two beautiful children away from their adoring go during these economic times and hope to God (literally) that someone will support MOVE to a continent I've never been to?

Before I talk myself out of it...let's review the facts:

1. Since I was young I've felt called to serve overseas (I think my parents regret ever praying that the Lord would call us to the nations)
2. It's taken a long time for this door to open - and it finally seems like everything is coming together to go now
3. Is there a point in waiting? To take our kids out of elementary school or high school? Or wait till we're retired and have health issues? It appears to be now or never.

Am I scared? Who wouldn't be?

But Karl and I feel within the depths of who we are that this is what we are meant to do. He loves the place (Africa has always been on his heart), and I love the approach (partnering with Africans to change the world).

Anyone else want to come? I've heard there are a few mountains and oceans to make it worth your while. Perhaps catch a World Cup game? Tempted to visit us? Visist to join us on our journey.

If not...I'd love to hear where you'd like to move - any where in the world - if you could.


  1. ok you talked me into it, im coming with you!

  2. That was easier than I thought it would be! Will you bring your girls (Jensen and Emme need playmates)?

  3. Great blog...will definitely come to visit.
